Classes resumed
Thursday (** Oberkampf): 19h-20h30 (MV)
Thursday (** Oberkampf): 20h30-22h (MV)
Workshop Intermediate - Advanced
Monday (* Belleville): 19h-20h30 (MV) MV
: Marielle and Valerie
VE: Valerie and Edward
The new 2010-2011: Tango en el Cuerpo opens an advanced beginner tango lessons in Belleville, along with a practice open to all (Santa Marta).
Purpose of courses starting : have acquired the basic elements that go into dance dance in November: the different steps, eight, crossed the ... Then continue to build vocabulary (towers, milonga, waltz, sandwich, musicality ...) and deepen the basics.
Please read the following article: who can dance the tango.
Remember that to learn to dance, it is important to practice!
Book at least one evening a week to go out, practice and meet other dancers;)
Intermediate Goal: To deepen the foundations (walking, pivots, cons-time musical performance, posture, comfort of the embrace ... in open and closed), while acquiring the vocabulary for dance dance and have fun with two (working on the structure, boleos, sacadas, barridas, variations of the Crusader, abrazo changes, alterations, variations of turn ...).
Who can join this course? People who have one year of tango with a regular practice.
Purpose of the Workshop tango advanced / intermediate : Vocabulary, strengthening its foundations in open and closed), volcadas, colgadas, ganchos external creative changes abrazo, sacadas back ... In this workshop, you can ask questions, ask to work a specific theme, to revisit the fundamentals in order to enrich ...
Who can join this course? Persons already having at least two years of regular practice of tango.
For more information about our approach and our pedagogy , please read the following articles enshrined therein.
During each course of this week, not learned in all courses are remonstrated to allow better assimilation. It is a special time for:
- decomplex
- ask questions and be corrected on points
mind - to meet other students to know more people and feel more comfortable in the "real" balls and practices
Rates: € 6 of to € 13 course, in the form and the reduction (TR / TNormal)
- about 6 €: Annual classic card, min. 40 courses, from date to date (€ 230/260)
- 65 € extra for enrollment in a course of more than a week
- 9 € / 11 €: 10 class card (€ 90 / 110), valid for 4 months
- 11 € / 13 €: Single course
Reduced prices: students, unemployed, intermittent red cards ...
-10% reduction Supp. on maps taken couple
It is possible to make the payment in installments (2 checks for the 10 card, 4 card checks for the annual course and up to 6 checks for map 4 lessons. All checks are handed out at registration)
Annual membership in the Association Tango en el cuerpo: 8 €
With the map of course: discounts on entry some balls and practice, and practice Monday (3 € instead of 4 € 50 )
Addresses courses, contacts "Layers" top of the right column