Sunday, September 13, 2009

Panty Blogger Templates

The apostles of intolerance

Why right-wing figures insist she trying to gain their legitimacy left to the opening on the left, trying to come to terms with the apostles of intolerance, the Taliban good conscience. This is probably the persistent expression of the syndrome of (bad?) Conscious evil-to-right, cleverly exploited by the left as cynical as it may be judgmental. After
Frederic Mitterrand, the budget minister Woerth was therefore made to the party of humanity to participate in a "debate". Can you discuss with the Communists? The answer was not long, the debate was canceled after half an hour and activists began to sing the Internationale. Meanwhile, the artists singing on stage Day of Huma in the name of tolerance and diversity. Soon, the party of humanity would become like the agricultural show, where all the political elite will have to go because the media have taken up residence. Minus the Communist Party and ad'électeurs more popular it is.

Communists and extreme left in general follow a pattern of thought which prohibits precisely to think, much less debated. Remember the famous "preferred be wrong with Sartre but be right with Aron . They know, however, maintain a illusion of debate because they are virtuosos of speech - the chatter? - As evidenced by the monologues of leftist intellectuals or endless AG blocked on campus which is similar to real masses for distilling the good word and put the index with heretics. The discussion is permitted only if it remains within strict frameworks that are the pillars of communist consciousness, like the commandments of a religion that tolerates no dissent.
They have the right to give lessons of tolerance, openness and democracy, but they do not tolerate contradiction, or freedom of expression. How to pretend to be surprised as all countries that have implemented the program to the letter became communist prisons? Communism advocates the dictatorship of the proletariat . We can not be clearer. Under these conditions, democracy is a concept "bourgeois" that will exceed the occasion of the collapse of capitalism and hoped announced.
On campus, the leftists tear the freshly pasted poster by unions who do not share the same board. However, billboards are open to all unions, without any discrimination. In a democracy, yes. Not in the communist world.


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