The escapades of DSK IMF, tribulations Julien Dray, dangerous relationship between the PS and the UNEF, stuffed ballot boxes and the PS in the past, shoes Roland Dumas the wiretapping François Mitterrand or the billions gone up in smoke on a French bank nationalized by the left. Think aloud as Daniel Cohn-Bendit, scams and betrayal are the tradition of the PS and the title of a book that does not fail to make noise.
You will argue that one can find the same right. I admit readily because power corrupts. But when the shenanigans from the left, these practices are even more inexcusable that the politicians are still left the champions of virtue and good conscience, always ready to give others lessons in morality citizen so they are confident of holding a monopoly on values. It's like those ultra-left students who tear the posters of their opponents in us administering lessons of democratic tolerance. The shenanigans on the right are no more excusable, however.
is to limit these abuses inherent in the conquest of power, the liberal philosophy is particularly committed to the principle of separation of powers. For example, do not get the same hands the power to levy taxes and power to create money. Power corrupts those who abuse and misuse of the monetary power depreciates the currency.
You will argue that one can find the same right. I admit readily because power corrupts. But when the shenanigans from the left, these practices are even more inexcusable that the politicians are still left the champions of virtue and good conscience, always ready to give others lessons in morality citizen so they are confident of holding a monopoly on values. It's like those ultra-left students who tear the posters of their opponents in us administering lessons of democratic tolerance. The shenanigans on the right are no more excusable, however.
is to limit these abuses inherent in the conquest of power, the liberal philosophy is particularly committed to the principle of separation of powers. For example, do not get the same hands the power to levy taxes and power to create money. Power corrupts those who abuse and misuse of the monetary power depreciates the currency.
is in this sense that philosophy is a liberal humanism. It is not too illusions about the man: he is capable of the best especially if they live in an environment that drives him to make the most of himself, or he may be capable of anything. And the worst is often born of excess power [1].
Recognizing this, how can we believe politicians of all stripes when they urge us to "moralize capitalism"? It should, above all, moralizing politics. However, these practices, inextricably linked to the internal functioning of political parties, pose a fundamental problem at a time when the principle of cost control in all mouths. For regulators that are otherwise specifically people from these organizations which are likely only survive and succeed at the top who have been more agile than others? The critics of the law of the market in the world economy are also those who are actors in a competition far more dreadful and merciless that obeys no rules except that of "not seen, not taken."
Recognizing this, how can we believe politicians of all stripes when they urge us to "moralize capitalism"? It should, above all, moralizing politics. However, these practices, inextricably linked to the internal functioning of political parties, pose a fundamental problem at a time when the principle of cost control in all mouths. For regulators that are otherwise specifically people from these organizations which are likely only survive and succeed at the top who have been more agile than others? The critics of the law of the market in the world economy are also those who are actors in a competition far more dreadful and merciless that obeys no rules except that of "not seen, not taken."
There is one huge difference between the French political system and the American political system. In the U.S., if a politician is caught scam, his career is over and must withdraw from the political scene. This was the case with Nixon after the Watergate scandal or, more recently, Bill Clinton. And truly independent media are aware of these abuses. This selection process does not exist among us so that trust between voters and elected officials no longer exist while the political class is struggling to renew.
[1] In the economic sphere, the power companies' production is limited to the power of choice - the purchasing power of the strong sense of the word - that allows consumers to competition. Of course, producers would like to impose their consumer prices and thus determine their income, which is why nobody likes competition, especially not the producers always on the lookout for captive markets. And we're all producers. Yet, as a consumer, no one likes to see her forced choice or limited. And we are all consumers.
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