That a right-wing government says the reports to a prominent personality on the left as it is, it is undoubtedly an evil strategy of openness initiated by President Sarkozy, who did not stop shedding the socialist party. However, I doubt that we can one day see the opposite, with a leftist government assigning responsibilities to right-wing personalities.
The left almost always the opening to the far left while the right opens to his left, but the line is from the intolerant leftists ...
In any case, it is no wonder the result: when one says a report from an expert on the left (whether qualified or not for that matter), the resulting conclusion is always the same: a new tax will come . In the 1990s, faced with the drift of accounts, the same Michel Rocard, who was at the initiative of the General Social Contribution (CSG). This new tax was aimed at redressing the social security accounts. Since then, social deficits have set new records but we have additional taxes that weigh on economic agents. The problem at the root of the fee has not been resolved, but the tax is still there and it was increased .
This precedent should be used sparingly to motivate the fiscal weapon by playing a kind of precautionary principle tax. But no, nothing works. The politicians starved imagination. A course of ideology, they do not know think otherwise. Faced with a problem, they summon experts, prepare reports and conclude that they must create new samples, while ensuring of course that these additional levies are legitimate, "citizens" and they never will be charged against the purchasing power of households. And if you object to tax "carbon" when you switch to an accomplice for "environmental crime". Generally, if you criticize the tax, you are treated "Poujadist" supporter of FN or reactionary. Why bother with a debate in this area? Yet it is not to criticize the tax burden per se, they are necessary. But it comes to discussing their level of legitimacy (for if they are legitimate, why hide them?) and their effectiveness .
In any case, it is no wonder the result: when one says a report from an expert on the left (whether qualified or not for that matter), the resulting conclusion is always the same: a new tax will come . In the 1990s, faced with the drift of accounts, the same Michel Rocard, who was at the initiative of the General Social Contribution (CSG). This new tax was aimed at redressing the social security accounts. Since then, social deficits have set new records but we have additional taxes that weigh on economic agents. The problem at the root of the fee has not been resolved, but the tax is still there and it was increased .
This precedent should be used sparingly to motivate the fiscal weapon by playing a kind of precautionary principle tax. But no, nothing works. The politicians starved imagination. A course of ideology, they do not know think otherwise. Faced with a problem, they summon experts, prepare reports and conclude that they must create new samples, while ensuring of course that these additional levies are legitimate, "citizens" and they never will be charged against the purchasing power of households. And if you object to tax "carbon" when you switch to an accomplice for "environmental crime". Generally, if you criticize the tax, you are treated "Poujadist" supporter of FN or reactionary. Why bother with a debate in this area? Yet it is not to criticize the tax burden per se, they are necessary. But it comes to discussing their level of legitimacy (for if they are legitimate, why hide them?) and their effectiveness .
When the state needs money, it takes more money because he enjoys the monopoly of "legitimate violence", the latter giving him the right to levy taxes. But when a household needs money, he should spend less because he can not declare additional income. Recognize that the present government has launched reforms - and that's why he was elected - with the aim of improving the functioning of the state. This is to provide better public service while spending less money public. And is the only way to stop the spiral of debt. But resistance to reform are strong.
decisions taken by economic agents are at the root of many economic flows that make up the vitality and prosperity of a nation. Of course, the state has a role to play in providing public goods and services that are positive externalities and thus benefit the economy . It is not meant to challenge the affirmative action of the State. But financing public goods and services through public levies which are themselves a source of negative externalities (wedge, capital flight, economic development parallel) . The state must therefore be careful not to take with one hand what it pretends to give the other hand. In other words, the burden of compulsory contributions should not exceed a threshold beyond which the positive externalities would be completely offset by the negative effects of taxation.
This balance requires never hit several times the same economic flow . When the household is working, it is to earn an income (net of payroll taxes). As such, he shall pay a tax on income. Then 80% of its disposable income will be used for consumption. As such, he will pay VAT, we are told it is a tax on value added. But the result is there, whatever name we give it. The household has had to endure three samples: the payroll which cut its gross income, tax on income which reduced its net income, VAT and hitting his disposable income. And the part of income saved will not escape a levy that will be taken care of baptizing " tax on capital." But this is not the capital that pays is the household that sees the return of their savings eroded by the tax levy, which makes saving less attractive. In total, the income stream, initiated by the decision to work in the household, has been hit at least four times by taxation.
Make no mistake, we may well play on words by naming the taxes with names sympathetic or misleading, but the samples always hit and only the tax households, so households. And the more one has to bear the levies, the less becomes rational economic decisions.