The critics of the single thought do not they make that they are precisely the agents and promoters of that single thought? Whether columnists, humorists, journalists, political scientists, government experts, they are everywhere, on all TV sets on the airwaves and distill continuously thinking and conformist that is agreed to recite the verses of liberalism . Believing himself and sassy originals, they conform in fact all the same mold. They think they go overboard and play perfectly the role of guardian of thinking consistent. For the conformist is anti-liberal.
In academia, it is even more glaring. In particular, a recurring debate is to denounce the outrageous formalization of economics by treating it as a sign of the hegemony of the "ultra-liberal thinking." It is a singular traits of conformist thinking that seeing a "liberal conspiracy" everywhere, especially hidden in the equations macroeconomic models. Mathematics would be the trojan horse of the great satan liberal.
Yet the need for measurement, formalization and abstraction of economics is largely the result of planning and willingness to experiment with economic policies and regulations. To predict and assess the tax revenues related to the adoption of a new tax, it is still necessary to have a macroeconomic model based on very specific assumptions. Those who model always claim, if not vanity, to control economic and social phenomena. And they will even attack the real people if they do not behave like their equations would have expected. See how the political power attacks the restaurateurs who have not played the game of pass the VAT reduction in the price menus because the models were probably intended such an effect. But a researcher does not construct a model based on the results he wants, he needs to formalize a reality which is external and beyond his control.
All current research program of the "new microeconomics" is to establish that it is not optimal to leave individuals free to make decisions based on their private interests. And any formalization is oriented in this direction. One researcher who tried take an opposite direction would find more funding or laboratory.
Yet, we are at the limit of scientism as the intention is contained in the assumptions: exit the invisible hand. Moreover, the Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz, if that famous invisible hand, it probably does not exist! If physicists reasoned that, then waves and black holes do not exist.
modern economics textbooks are "market failures" as assumptions that can not be questioned, and who make public policy as indispensable as providential. Because it is well known that the prosecution is not under any of these shortcomings inherent in the private action ... And the economist who take the risk to pretend otherwise can no longer claim a career.
The "new trade theory part of this momentum similar to demonstrate that we can not trust the free exchange of international trade to obtain harmonious. It has indeed escaped anyone that collective bargaining under the auspices of the WTO, who see the clash national corporatism the risk of degenerating into economic war simmering, is a model of international harmony. Recall that the WTO is the result of a transformation of the GATT GATT But the missions were clear: it was lowering tariffs - which was performed primarily in industry - to streamline the international trade . The WTO claims to "regulate" commerce among nations by imposing quality standards (environmental, social, health) that conjures the temptations of protectionism. But the definition of such standards is much more problematic and generalization is seen by less developed countries as disguised protectionism implemented by developed countries.
Similarly, the "new labor economics" shows that unemployment is not the result of interference with free market operations. Theorists then invented the concept of "unemployment equilibrium" unemployment that results from the interplay of decisions of rational agents. It follows that it is not "optimal" for the community of rational individuals agree to let around a freely negotiated contract work under these imperfections competitive leading to generate structural unemployment. Again, collective bargaining framed by the social partners - who have only one motto: the general strike - is probably a model that allows us to avoid unemployment due to market forces and it will not have escaped anyone that "social dialogue" in French is a model of communal harmony. Finally, the "new growth theory" is based on dynamic models of so-called "endogenous growth" that make the state a "benevolent planner" essential to the regulation overall.
These examples show that, far from attending a hegemony of liberal thought in academic circles, is a revival of interventionist designs - redecorated under the veneer of microfoundations scholars and good feelings - that we have been witnessing over 25 years. And the latest Nobel Prize in economics (Stiglitz, Krugman, Williamson and Ostrom) confirm this trend. In this context it is somewhat comical to talk about liberalism triumphant. Liberalism declined - and his enemies rejoice - probably because men are no longer up to the demanding that it values. The "useful idiots" tell us that capitalism does not obey any value or morality. In fact, the economy no longer works when men forget the values that an economy of freedom and responsibility involved.
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