Saturday, August 29, 2009

How A Mute Will Tell A Blind Man

a feather ... tears

Olivier Besancenot has created the new anti-capitalist party (NPA) to collect the far left. He should tell us how its anti-capitalism anti-capitalism is different from the Communist Party. Martine Aubry assumed leadership of the Socialist Party to try to gather all the socialists in this same party modernized. Again, all the leaders of the PS gather to condemn and castigate unregulated capitalism, but they can not agree to build a program together. They should also define socialism for us, emptied of its ideological base articulated by Karl Marx, this term is reduced to an illegible label. Having studied the great authors and the founding texts of socialist thought, I understand that socialism was inherently anti-capitalist doctrine. So what differentiates the NPA, the PC and PS?

Undoubtedly, some are and they still revolutionaries who still believe in the big night, the agony of capitalism and the advent of a brutal post-capitalist world, while others intend to reform, monitor and regulate capitalism, not overthrow lack of a credible alternative. But that is precisely what the French right is already in business, and therein lies the challenge for the French left.
In the past, this dichotomy between revolutionaries and reformists was the cause of the collapse history of the French left between PS and PC. This fragmentation has made himself echo the division that occurred during the Soviet revolution between Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. History has shown that this division was a real divide: for revolutionaries, the reformers could only be traitors in the pay of bourgeois .
In 2009, spirits have hardly changed, contributing to render unlikely the cohesion of a PS burst and impossible to assemble a left scattered. Indeed, for the left wing Socialist Party, an alliance with the modem would be considered treason. However, it must have the intellectual honesty recognize that the microcosm Liberal similarly fragmented into many chapels which are run by those who believe they have the most accurate vision of what should be a world in accordance with the liberal ideal.

These fratricidal divisions show that it is easier to gather men and women by being against something (anti-Sarkozy, anti-globalization or anti-capitalist) that come together around a common project. Challenge them to agglomerate the disaffected and disappointed, that is to say, basically all of us because we are never satisfied with our own fate. Everyone agrees find today's world detestable. And this consensus is found in every age: the contemporaries never like this time. However, every time you look at the past with an eye to the future with nostalgia and a look frightened. Who has not heard at the table, when families get together or dinner parties, the inevitable sentence that closes any discussion: " the world does not revolve round the world goes wrong ... .
And it's true that the world can be improved because it is human nature itself which is perfectible and fallible. The life would not be worth living if everything was set to start in a perfection that we would be imposed and on which we would have no control . We'd like ants in the anthill, a prisoner of a social order entered in a genetic mechanism. This is the best of worlds. By dint of constantly complaining, this is what could happen to us.

When it comes to propose a better world, a "human face world " Everyone has their own idea of what it should be. And of course, no one has the same, where personal ambitions, the pursuit of political power and the internal divisions that generate necessarily, especially in political families who intend to change the world. Hitler (on behalf of National Socialism), Stalin (Bolshevik), Mao or Pol Pot (the name of communism) believed they were all benefactors of mankind, which enabled them to commit unscrupulously the worst crimes in the name even the advent of a new and better world. The French Revolution itself led to a period of terror. We do not make an omelette without breaking eggs because, for revolutionaries, the end justifies all means.

Should never act so far? Obviously, not. For my part, I aspire to live in societies in which each of us should be able to build his own "better world" in its scale and according to its own criteria for development, without imposing others, the rule of law by enforcing rules and the common values that are enshrined in the founding constitution. It is far too risky to delegate the pursuit of happiness to any government, however well intentioned and honest it is. That is why the founding fathers of the American Constitution took care to include the right in search of happiness, not the right to happiness, which is a promise that no government can take.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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The precautionary principle

Yesterday we explained that the government had to work less to share jobs, and now he realizes he must work harder to create wealth. Yesterday the government told us that older people should make way for younger workers, subsidizing early retirements, and now he wants to impose hiring quotas for seniors. Yesterday the government wanted to limit the installation of large surfaces, and now he wants to encourage the installation of large areas. Driven by environmental lobbies, the government increased the quota to increase the use of biofuels in the wake of the Kyoto agreements, quotas that are now enshrined in EU treaties (Climate-Energy Package). Today, the same are reluctant to produce energy from agricultural products while on the planet, entire populations suffer from hunger. And dare I mention the report Teulade handed to Mr Jospin, then Prime Minister, who foresaw the return of full employment in France within imminent, making it unnecessary - as officially nominated by the government of the day - any reform of the PAYG pension system ...

could be multiplied indefinitely the wanderings of the interventionist state that claims to regulate the economy so that its representatives never an accurate picture of economic processes, thinking correct a mistake by making another error. Of course, the personalities that make governments change through the democratic process. But that is precisely the risk of politicizing the economy those in power have no memory and are forced to pander to public opinion "with no brains (or brains which is neutralized by modern propaganda) . Then they place the blame then. It would have been better not to intervene at all rather than believe that further intervention may correct the destructive effects triggered by the intervention increased.
The state intervention in the economy can be understood in the exceptional circumstances which call for extraordinary measures like the war economy that calls for a permanent steering the national economy by the government. But war should not be a normal situation. Neither the crisis elsewhere. Worse, the war may result in a permanent state intervention in the economy when the economy is left to citizens, it follows competition beneficial for everyone. But if the economy becomes a field of state intervention, it follows the rivalry between states (economic warfare) which are always the premise of most violent conflicts. It's like religion should be a private matter: when it becomes an affair of state, it follows religious wars. In some respects, as soon as the economic doctrines became political issues, they in turn become genuine religions [1].
Certainly, in response to the ongoing global crisis, stimulus measures implemented by the governments of most major industrialized countries have avoided the worst, but they are also likely to lead to new bubbles in the future, that will require corrections as feared, already a number of economists (scenario W) [2].

Imagine a law neutralizes market X. Recognizing the shortage of product X, the government imposed rationing of consumption while forcing companies to increase their production capacity. A few years later, the overproduction is exploding as consumers have found substitutes while investments produce their productive effects. Then the government takes action to boost consumption while it imposes quotas on companies to limit their production. This shift permanently disoriented economic actors.
is in fact what is happening in education, health, housing, agriculture, labor market, wherever the state has seen that he could do better than the market under the pretext that these products or services were not like other goods.

The Enlightenment philosophers believed it was necessary to protect democracy from itself, the quest for a majority that can lead to increasingly demagogic political agenda (hence the existence of the Constitutions). And these programs always lead to an infinite extension of the welfare state which is a caricature, if not a negation of the rule of law . It would enshrine in the Constitution the principle of precaution that would essentially " when you do not know all the effects of the intervention state in the economy, then the government should not interfere in these matters within the private sphere and civil society . The desire to regulate public deficits in order to stabilize the public debt by establishing a constitutional limit, for example, results from this intention. After all, if the government can rein in the banks to which it lends money public banks (and creditors) that finance the national debt (taxpayers and citizens) have no doubt their word say.

[1] This is the case of science or knowledge in general. Science or knowledge must be left to independent researchers and rigorous. Once it is politicized and misused to the interests of political power in place, it becomes propaganda. See Lysenko affair in the USSR Today, economics borders on scientism in developing sophisticated models that feature an all-powerful regulatory state (which holds the world model) capable of correcting market failures.
[2] These are analysis already developed by the ancient post-Keynesian economists said such Harrod and Domar. They have shown that policies to stimulate demand help resolve the crisis short-term but deferring the problem on future generations. Indeed, short-term multiplier effects play in the sense of a recovery in demand, but long-term effects accelerators will act on the offer, generating a new global shift between supply and demand, resulting specifically initial stimulus. Of course, the Keynesians of that time concluded that on capitalism were not viable, joining the Marxist prognosis while the Liberals (Von Mises, Hayek) concluded that on economic policies were not effective to run.

Monday, August 24, 2009

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" trade, which enriched the citizens in England, helped to make them free, and this freedom has expanded trade in turn .

Voltaire (1694-1778)

The best and worst charlatans experts have said almost everything about "globalization." In France, it is inexhaustible goodwill of all those who gave themselves the monopoly of legitimate thought and activism. The " Globalization is alternately regarded as the engine of global economic growth, responsible development inequalities between rich and poor countries, burst factor of national identity and homogenization of the planet, the cause of all our misfortunes and chance of the new millennium: it happens over a day without that "globalization" was convened at the tribunal of "civic consciousness"!
exist in French public opinion, a strong current of sympathy for the ideas and anti-globalization movements. Catherine Picar, co-authored a bill to ban sects in France, explained in a recent past: " ago, with the sects, a wave of destabilization of democracies. All this is consistent with U.S. imperialism, the WTO, advanced liberalism (sic!) [1]. Associate WTO advanced liberalism is significant confusion prevailing on the modern mind, so that the WTO is an intergovernmental organization which aims precisely to regulate commerce, thereby becoming an instrument of disguised protectionism and arena of all economic patriotism. However, economic patriotism is the first step towards the economic war, the antithesis of free exchange. Such denunciation

permanent, which borders on demonization, globalization is more akin to the conspiracy theory to a rigorous analysis. Consider first a statement of basic economic phenomena have no nationality. The lives of men in society is driven by two trends that are closely related to the essential nature of man: the tendency to exchange the one hand, the search for efficiency which induces the inevitable development of techniques other hand. These two trends are intimately related because the same desire and need to trade based on the interests of efficiency to the extent that it is inefficient to try to do everything yourself. This is true for an individual, a family, a village ... or a country. Human communities (families, cities, countries) and organizations (companies, associations, foundations) were born of this need.
Since the dawn of time (and it did not start with the industrial revolution which has seen only accelerated a process which began from the Neolithic), man has sought to improve living conditions in response to the fundamentally hostile natural environment. This trend is driving technical innovation and improving the material conditions of life regardless of the geopolitical division that has prevailed in the world. Political regimes that have thwarted this secular trend in the name of inaction, spent a model, have known only tyranny and misery.
Thus, the systematic denunciation of "globalization" and the very use of such a word can dodge the real issues, so it reflects a misunderstanding - if not a misunderstanding deep - the very essence of economic and social phenomena.

[1] Agence France-Presse, May 29, 2001.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Anatomy of a lingering malaise

fever is now a social ritual that is part of the landscape hexagonal, as cars burned in the neighborhoods, ritual undergone by all the French forced to take their evil patience in waiting for darker days. After the summer heatwave, the return will be "hot." The increase in acts of "social violence" - euphemistically called "social movements" - is way to honor a country so quick to give lessons in social dialogue and corporate citizen in the name of a model who wants above all others. These methods, which are more akin to vandalism than civic expression, show that France is sick of herself, a victim of his dying model it does not even consider going out. Because this model allows all but the dialogue and consultation.

Our country is changing in the conflict, struggle and violence. Ultimately, the welfare state defies the rule of law. We had turn movements of protests against pension reform, reform of health insurance or that of universities and national education. After saying "no" to a draft European constitution which France was greatly inspiring is that the CPE to put young people in the street. The only slogan and rally is on these occasions noisy demonstrations of discontent, to make the process of "globalization" and liberalism. When banks or traders make money, they are stigmatized. When they lose money, they are vilified. After centuries of activities bank is to believe that we still do not understand the business of banking and finance. We forget that economic growth would not be possible without the intermediation bank or financial activities . The paychecks CAC 40 arouse fear and indignation hypocritical while footballers stamps or peoples of the star system admired. Plants block their employees or students of universities block, and that the normal expression of a hard-won social rights. The management of a company closes a factory because enjoy security conditions that one is entitled to expect under the rule of law and justice punishes said direction charged with violating the freedom to work. Farmers block traffic and vandalize shelves in supermarkets. And the media are sympathetic these actions ...
Two weights, two measures.

While the world is changing radically with the emergence of new economic powers, this country bogged down in a process of permanent social war. The political class as a whole has a responsibility in contributing to the electorate like children. In suggesting that the French the state would take over all aspects of our daily lives, policies have ended up making a "citizen" at once passive and more and more demanding as a spoiled child whose parents would have become a slave: I offer less other but the more I wonder ... while invoking the sacred word "solidarity." They forget that the first expression of solidarity is to do his best, and everything possible, not to be borne by other .
Democracy needs of politicians, but democracy also needs individuals responsible, innovative and enterprising. The quality of the latter the greatness of the former. By cons, no political leader is grown by lowering the voters to the rank of individuals assisted and frightened.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

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Everyone agrees to observe the slippage of the structural growth of the state still exceeds the growth in the rest of the country's economy. Official experts and international observers have said everything about it and it was a theme of the last presidential campaign. There is no need to be a great economist to understand that such slippage when he is not corrected, leads mechanically to an increase in the debt and a decrease in the rate of structural growth of our country so that excuse to wait for the return of growth to make the necessary changes, is simply a dead end. Growth has become structurally weaker in countries where the weight of the state has passed a certain threshold considered critical. Worse, the loss began when he passed a new threshold that leads to indebtedness.
The community of economists is not in principle against the role of the state in the economy, despite debate as legitimate exist as inevitable about its priority tasks. Nothing is being Manichean: the issue is not about being for or against the intervention of the state. It is smarter to judge the long-term effectiveness of its action and sustainability of public finances. The state will find it easy to preach to the banks if he gets himself in a situation of insolvency.
is why economic theory stresses the importance of balance and stability, including stability of tax and public spending (or more precisely their share in GDP), which is a prerequisite for sustainable prosperity, not short-lived recovery. In this case, the size of the state must grow in proportion to the size of the economy which it is inextricably part . Otherwise, the state eventually phagocytize the domestic economy. And the state has nothing to gain by asphyxiation, the risk of ruining the economy that finances it.

However, the situation never changes the course. When growth returns, we are told, with a lot of media propaganda, that reforms are no longer necessary (since growth is there) and that the state must intervene to distribute the fruits of growth, the latter generating unequal performance, and hence income inequality. Remember when Jospin was prime minister, official reports we showed that the pension reform in particular, and social security in general, was no longer necessary thanks to the return of economic growth, a source of increased contributions.
When a crisis occurs (and I speak of crisis in France since 1973), the same sing the chorus of "late capitalism" and "illusion liberalism, and the State intervenes to regulate most beautiful and revive the economy. Incidentally, this capitalism that everyone decries, everyone tries to save him at the slightest failure of growth.

In these circumstances, it never goes out of a heavier involvement of the state, whether in the form of increased government levies or increased regulation. In France, it is not known to think differently or act differently. And as the media, despite the multiplicity of channels, radios or newspapers, like the National Education, format our minds as meaning the name of civic morality, it is difficult to address economic reality from a different angle.